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Help students improve their outcomes in IT courses with access to 5,000+ eBooks and Courses for as low as $130 per student

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Benefit from the expertise of industry experts, thought leaders, and experienced professionals from companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft to help students pass first time.
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What Academics say
"The technical content provided by Packt serves as an excellent supplement to our curriculum, significantly enhancing the understanding of conceptual and practical knowledge for both students and research scholars."
Ranjan Sinha Thakur, PhD
Librarian - Birla Institute of Technology & Science

"The books are written by authors with significant years of experience helping strengthen our students and faculty’s technical understanding by doing projects on the next generation technologies."

Dr P.Raghavaiah
Librarian, VNR VJIET

Learn by doing with 5,000+ IT eTextbooks
From Angular to Zapier, we have you covered with an extensive collection of hands-on eTextbooks covering thousands of technologies. Packt books focus on what works in practice rather than what works in theory, ensuring your team have everything they need to succeed whether they're beginners or advanced.
Learn from our 28 Interactive Workshop Courses
Learning new languages and tools can be difficult so Packt created interactive workshops to make the process faster and easier. With no prequisite skills required, you can learn Python or Java through our blended format courses with video, book, and assessments.

Monitor Student Engagement
Monitor engagement and adoption of Packt Learning resources at both organizational and individual levels. Understand your student's preferences, and provide personalized recommendations to enhance the learning experience.
Actionable Insights from Advanced Analytics
Access a range of institutional reports, including product usage, subscription reports, institution usage data and more. Leverage our analytics and reporting features to gain actionable insights and analyze usage patterns that drive strategic decision-making.

Plans & Pricing
- Access all 5,000+ eBooks
- Access all 1,000+ Video Courses
- Access 28 Workshop Courses
- Highlights & Notes
- Text Translation
- Text to Voice
- Product Usage Reports
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- Referrer URL Access
Academic Access
- Access all 5,000+ eBooks
- Access all 1,000+ Video Courses
- Access 28 Workshop Courses
- Highlights & Notes
- Text Translation
- Text to Voice
- Product Usage Reports
- Student Usage Data
- Google SSO
- IP Based Access
- Referrer URL Access
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