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Reach target audiences directly through our dedicated weekly newsletters

Packt newsletters serve as a tool to help tech professionals identify essential new knowledge and stay up to date. We share weekly, independent sources of actionable content, curated insights, news, and analysis. Our focus is to provide up-to-date explanations and context for technical audiences, engineers, startups, and decision-makers.​

We have a variety of newsletters with a combined list size of over 700,000 subscribers. Our subscriber base is growing rapidly, and we expect to have over 1 million subscribers by the end of 2024. Our newsletters typically achieve a combined open rate of 47-50% every week.​

Our Newsletters

133,000+ subscribers

A community of 130,000+ data professionals discovering breakthroughs in data science, ML tools, algorithms, and statistical techniques in a weekly roundup

Audience :
Big data and AI/ML professionals, Data Scientists, ML Engineers, Data Engineers, Big Data Architects, ML Researchers.

131,000+ subscribers

125,000+ mobile developers learning the latest tools and techniques to keep their apps relevant

Audience :
Developers, primarily working with Android, iOS, native mobile, and cross-platform app development. ​

116,000+ subscribers

A weekly newsletter for security professionals, by security professionals. Get actionable insights from 115,000+ working security professionals combating modern threats

Audience :
Security professionals, engineers, managers, and security and cloud leaders.​

45,000 subscribers

A community of 35,000+ web developers and receive weekly insights that cutting through the noise on the latest web development tools, libraries, and frameworks

Audience :
JavaScript Developers, Web Developers, Frontend Developers, Full-stack Developers​

43,000 subscribers

A thriving community of 38,000+ programmers and software engineers and discover original ideas, deep dives, and innovative tools in a weekly roundup

Audience :
Developers, Software Engineers, Full-Stack Developers, Architects, Engineering Managers and Decision Makers​

AI Distilled
38,000 subscribers

All-encompassing weekly newsletter on GPT, LLM, and NLP breakthroughs with in-depth exploration of core AI algorithms and methodologies

Audience : AI Engineers, AWS/Azure Developers, Machine Learning Architects, Data Architects, AI / ML researchers, AI Experts and Product Leaders

38,000 subscribers

A community of 33,000+ data professionals and get weekly insights and tutorials on Data Analysis, Business Intelligence, and Data Warehousing

Audience :
BI Developers, Business Consultants, Business Analysts, Product Owners, Data Analysts, Product Advocates, Solution Architects​

18,000 subscribers

A bi-weekly knowledge exchange of ideas and insights for SysAdmins, DevOps, and SRE professionals. Join our community of 15,000+ subscribers

Audience :
Administrators, DevOps teams, System Engineers, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) ​

30,000 subscribers

Explore original ideas, deep dives, and innovative tools with over 20,000 cloud professionals

Audience :
Cloud Engineers, Cloud Architects, Cloud Native Developers, DevOps and DevSecOps, Cloud Security Professionals

Attack & Defend
7,000 subscribers

Packt's dedicated red and blue team newsletter! The Attack & Defend newsletter is designed for pentesters, ethical hackers, and Red/Blue teams.

Audience :
This newsletter is designed for Pentesters, Red teamers, Blue teamers, CSOs, CISOs, System Admins​, and security folks interested in attack and defense techniques as part of their cybersecurity journey.

5,000 subscribers

PythonPro is a newsletter designed exclusively for Python programming professionals. The aim is straightforward: to provide our readers with the latest developments in the Python landscape along with handpicked tutorials, guides, and analyses from experts.

Audience :
This newsletter is designed for Python Programmers, Web Developers, Data Scientists, Product Owners and Python enthusiasts.


Please email [email protected] to find out more about pricing.

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